Bring life to your environment by design

Bring life to your environment by design

As a designer, artist and Interior Architect, Mona King - Founder and Chief Creative Cultivator of Mona + Associates Design, LLC spent years in design positions creating art, design, and products for others. 

Lessons learned; people are more creative and productive in spaces connected to nature. This is known as Biophilic Design. We design human-centered environments, art and products to make the spaces comfortable, functional , creative and inspiring. Humans are innately connected to nature; natural light, wood, stones, water and elements within our instincts to survive. Living Aura products and services capture our passion for nature. 

Please share our passion; art, products and site with friends and family. A portion of all sales and commissions is donated to non-profit Arts organizations. 

We bring life to your environment by design.

Stay well and remember nature improves wellness. 

Mona King

Mona + Associates Design, LLC

 Mona, Nature, leaves